Obtaining a Credit Card with Bad or No Credit

To people attempting to enter it for the first time, the credit market can look like one enormous catch-22. A person needs credit in order to get credit, but can’t get credit until he or she has credit. Fortunately, this contradiction isn’t quite as impenetrable as it seems on the surface. Here are three ways to get a credit card with bad credit or even no credit at all.

Get a Secured Credit Card

Getting a secured card is the fastest and easiest way for people with bad or no credit to get credit cards. Secured cards allow users to put down a deposit and then borrow against it. In most cases, the deposit acts as the user’s credit limit. Once the user has shown responsible credit usage over a period of time, the card will usually be transitioned to a more traditional credit card. At that point, the security deposit is returned to the user.

Become an Authorized User on an Existing Credit Account

Another way to build credit history is to become an authorized user on another person’s credit account. An authorized user can access credit by piggybacking on the existing credit of the account holder. New credit users should be careful, though, as becoming an authorized user can have negative impacts on a person’s credit score. If the account holder’s credit score suddenly goes down, the authorized user will also take a hit to his or her score.

Use a Credit Building Loan to Establish Credit

A more long-term approach to getting a credit card is to first establish credit using a credit builder loan. These loans allow borrowers to deposit money into savings accounts on a monthly basis, then receive the deposited total back at the end of the loan term. Credit builder loans can be a bit slow compared to using a secured credit card responsibly, but they are fairly effective for establishing a positive credit history.

Any one of these three methods will allow those with bad credit or no credit to open credit card accounts. Potential borrowers should weigh their options carefully and decide which one is the best fit for their financial goals and current resources.

This article was originally published on NicholasFainlight.net


Most organizations have a well-structured public relations policy that has proven to be a more direct and result-generating channel for communicating with their stakeholders and getting almost instant feedback.

Before the advent of online and social media acceptance and robust growth, the otherwise accepted description of public relations relied primarily on contact and traditional modes of relations. It has, however, drastically shifted, with a lot of focus being directed towards social media. In this context, social media refers to the mainstream platforms that allow for remote interactions with an almost instant feel regarding interaction.

The exponential growth of social media

Social media has onboarded close to 4 billion users through the various platforms available to them, providing the various organizations a deep and ever-expanding pool of potential clients. A growing number of organizations have mastered the art of intertwining public relations with social media through their various interfaces that include mainstream avenues Like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

As of the end of the first quarter of 2021, internet accessibility was reported at 65 % of the world population, further compounding the overall penetration of social media. Organizations that have capitalized on their social media handles to drive their public relations policies are deemed to have a better reach and are better positioned to engage their current and potential stakeholders directly.

The case for public relations in social media

In general, public relations and social media have proven to be inseparable and to portend insurmountable synergy looking into the future. The necessity is of immense importance to the policymakers of organizations and businesses across the various levels. Under normal circumstances, the earlier the adoption, the stronger the foundation that the institutions can establish.

This article was originally published on NicholasFainlight.com

The Best Exercises For Cricket Players

Exercising is crucial for anyone participating in any sport. It helps players stretch their muscles and at the same time become fit in preparation for the games ahead. Below are some of the best exercises cricket players can do in order to stay physically fit and on top of their game.


Push-ups mainly focus on the upper part of the body. It involves strengthening the upper arms of a cricketer, which is crucial for those who play batter. Push-ups also improve body posture; which is why you see most of them actively engaging in the exercise.


Squats are one of the most essential exercises that you’ll see cricketers engaging in. They help in strengthening leg and lower back muscles as well as increasing running speed. The exercise is crucial for fielders covering extensive grounds and batsmen running the wicket. While doing squats, players can decide to add variations by lifting dumbbells while at it. These variations help in hip mobility, for example.


Lunges are a critical part of cricketers’ exercising routine. It usually improves and strengthens the torso area, hips, and leg muscles. Lunges can improve the overall agility of a player. Lunges with twists are seen to be helpful for wicket-keepers while diving for the ball.


Pull-ups are a crucial but straightforward exercise for cricket players. Pull-ups improve body coordination and help strengthen back muscles. This type of training is helpful for bowlers, keeping them away from injuries and enhancing arm strength. They can be an excellent way to work out that everyone likes as it helps players break from their intense daily workouts.


These are a crucial type of exercise that helps strengthen the back muscles, thighs, and hips. Most cricketers are worried about injuring themselves, and the best thing about this training is that it allows the batsman and bowler not to damage their backs while playing. The exercise requires a lot of muscle power, so the players must be prepared to work hard..

Medicine Ball Throws

These help build a strong core and improve flexibility. Medicine ball throws are included in every athlete’s workout plan. This exercise helps the batsman specifically to switch shots without much of a struggle. In addition, this training allows teammates to bond while still working on their fitness regime.

The above exercises are crucial for any cricket player. They help in building muscle strength while increasing cardiovascular muscle rates. All athletes should engage in exercises before playing any game as a warm-up tool.

This article was originally published on NicholasFainlight.org

Taxes 101: The Basics To Know

Most individuals are ignorant when it comes to tax deductions. The majority don’t even understand the most primary aspects of how the tax system operates. Being able to differentiate the features of the standard deduction from the ones for gross income is a perfect starting point. Here is a guide for those who wish to learn the primary aspects of the tax-filing system.

Differentiating between Taxable and Nontaxable Revenue

With taxable income, the government concentrates on numerous areas when calculating tax. Taxable income includes total earnings, excluding retirement benefits. Other examples include interest earned via a bank account, investment bonuses, profit earned through gambling, and money withdrawn from a retirement account. On the other hand, nontaxable income includes cash received as a gift, disability income, and money received as child support, among several others.

What to Understand about Adjustments

Enjoying a reduced taxable income is a dream for every taxpayer. Understanding adjustments is critical, as it provides an option to reduce the taxable pay allowing one to pay a minimal amount in tax. Tax-sheltered accounts create a decent adjustment room for those who contribute money regularly.

Taxpayers have the option to make adjustments equivalent to the cost they incur when relocating to a different location, especially after acquiring a new job. Anyone servicing an educational loan that has not exceeded 60 months has an opportunity to adjust their tax too. The tax authority allows adjustments for people with bad debts but with stringent investigations.

Understanding Deduction Categories

There are two categories of deductions that one chooses. They include itemized and standard. Both options feature various advantages, especially when the taxpayer picks the most appropriate according to their tax ranges. When itemizing deductions, one needs to produce convincing evidence for the process to sail through. There are no regulations when choosing between the two categories, as they both aim to reduce the taxable income to the minimum.

The standard deduction is ideal for taxpayers without businesses or expensive property. Businesspeople and hefty investors will be better with the itemized deduction option as long as they have proper documentation for their wealth. The laws that govern tax filing are strict and require one to understand them before choosing the best option.

Taxpayers have several expenses options when itemizing for the deduction. They include car expenses relating to their work, education loans or school fees, and investment costs, to mention a few. The law provides an option for widows and widowers to pursue deductions.

This article was originally published on NicholasFainlight.net

Why Recruiting Is Vital For Startups

Although the recruitment process is a challenging and demanding task for startups, it helps them get the right people for the job. The success of the business is dependent on the initial team brought on board. They also define the company’s culture as it grows and develops over the years. Below are reasons why recruiting is vital for startups.

It Helps the Employer Understand the Employment Laws

Employment laws give the employer information about employment requirements to follow when recruiting. Ignorance of these laws introduces other risks in the business that may cause a closure. If one is not sure of recruitment laws, hiring a professional recruitment team can help employers understand the process.

The Right Team is Selected

Recruitment helps the employer select the right people for specific jobs. A startup may experience challenges due to budget limitations and the need to minimize the cost. A strong team will know how to deal with them and come up with an amicable solution—finding people with the same mindset for the company helps in establishing trust with the management that no matter what happens, the team is intact and focused.

Recruitment Acts as a Marketing Strategy

A startup can sell its brand to the public through recruitment. Taking this opportunity and publicizing job opportunities and their requirements to the people shows the organization’s transparency for people to build trust. In the end, the business grows as the brand is gaining popularity.

It Provides Consistency

The recruitment process in the early stages of a business paves the way for the following recruitment. The management should have a standardized recruitment process to ensure every individual work in the company is measurable. A consistent criterion removes biases, discrimination and reduces risks for security.

It Helps Organizations Write Accurate Job Descriptions

Recruitment helps the management clearly and accurately write the job description indicating the primary and the secondary duties, qualifications, and salary range. This information makes it easy to recruit employees that fulfill the job description.

Startup recruitment is a process to ensure the business has the right team to move to the next level and become competitive in the market. Although the process may be challenging and costly, it is worth it in the end. Take time and go through the highlighted reasons why recruitment is essential and search for more online.

This article was originally published on NicholasFainlight.com

How to Negotiate for a Higher Salary

The job market is a competitive place, and you need to be tough if you want all the payment you deserve. In the business world, it’s certainly the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. If you accept whatever payment you’re offered without complaint, then your managers will think they can keep your wages down. If you speak up for yourself, on the other hand, you can get the raise you deserve.

With that being said, there is a right way and a wrong way to approach your boss about getting a raise. If you’re obnoxious or belligerent, you’re more likely to earn a dismissal than a bump in pay. The key is to be strong but respectful. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you prepare to broach the subject with your boss.

Determine What You Need And What You Want

Before initiating a conversation, you have to form a categorized list of your demands, separated into what you’d like to have and what you absolutely need. Perhaps you’d like additional paid time off and stock in the company. These belong in the “like to have” category. But then it’s the wage increase and improved benefits that are truly necessary if you’re going to continue at the company. These go in the “absolutely need” category, and will be the cornerstone of your negotiations.

Do Some Market Research

Nothing will boost your chances in negotiations like solid proof that your demands are legitimate. If you come armed with statistics showing typical salaries for people in your position, you’ll force your boss to take your petition seriously. With just a few hours of research online, you can compile all the data you’ll need.

Consider How Much Power You Have

Before you sit down to talk, you need to determine whether or not you’re negotiating from a position of strength. If you have another job option or are willing to quit, then you can be bolder about insisting on your key demands.

Have A Salary Range In Mind

Have a general idea in your mind of what kind of a raise you’re looking for. You don’t need an exact figure, but you should have some sort of a range to aim for.

Originally published to nicholasfainlight.net.

Stretching Exercises for Beginners

Muscle health is vital for maintained mobility. Age and injury can derail range of motion leading to pain and loss of flexibility. Stretching can help fend off these results. By keeping muscles long and limber enables the body to enjoy activities later into life. This can be accomplished by stretching.

Static vs. Dynamic Overview

Two techniques of stretching are static and dynamic. Static stretches involve holding a pose for a period of time, while dynamic stretches are centered around body movement.

The Scoop on Static Stretches

Static stretching is what typically comes to mind when one pictures stretching. A body part is stretched as far as it can comfortably go then held. Regular static stretching helps with flexibility and range of motion.

Arm Crossovers

Stand with stomach pulled in and feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch the left arm across the chest. Bend the right arm and use the forearm to clamp the left arm in place. Hold 10-15 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side.

Reach to the Sky

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Lift arms out in front, palms facing and fingertips lightly touching. Twist and bend down to touch the left hand to the right foot. Reach the right arm up towards the sky. Hold 5-10 seconds. Return to start position and repeat on the opposite side.

Dynamic Stretching Details

Dynamic stretching involves moving the body through a range of motion. Athletes use these to warm-up. This type of stretching helps prepare muscles for strenuous activity.

Leg Raises

Lying back side down, stretch arms out to form a ‘T’ with the body. With palms flat against the floor, stretch legs outward with feet together. Pull in the stomach to raise both legs slowly into the air. Slowly lower back down. Repeat.

Side Leg Raises

Lie on the right side of the body. Legs should be stacked left on top of right. Support the head with the right hand and place the left hand on the left hip. Keeping the right leg straight, slowly raise it as high as comfortable then slowly lower back down. Repeat 10 times then roll over and repeat on the opposite side.

Originally published to nicholasfainlight.org

Leaping Across A Professional Rut

Everybody has hit a rut from time to time. Any length of professional practice of any activity will result in hitting physical and mental walls. How do we break through those walls? How do we climb out of our ruts? As professionals, we must be capable and aware of recognizing ruts and how to respond to them.

One of the first ways of leaping across the struggles of daily performance is to mix up how you may do things. Mixing up your schedule, figuring out new ways of looking at the same issues, or even integrating new technology into the routine — these are all effective and efficient ways of getting through a tough spot.

Realize in the midst of our professional careers, we are not alone. There have been a multitude of others that have come before us who also have struggled with the same issues. Utilize their experience! Read up from experts who have suffered burnout, been stuck in ruts, and somehow figured their way out of them. Start by reaching out to friends, family, or colleagues, when comfortable, and try to see how they would approach the problem. Recognizing those who have gone before us, and those that go through it with us, is integral in breaking out of ruts.

An outline, game-plan, or goal sheet is another productive way of breaking old habits or worn patterns. It allows you to chart out big ideas and see the whole picture in a way that might have not been seen before. Try putting new ideas into your outlines and see how that changes things. You won’t be able to break out until you’re ready to break in new ideas and thoughts. Take an active effort in seeing things from a new perspective.

Recognize that life works on a spectrum. What you may consider “bad” other individuals consider “great” — it is all relative. Use that relativity as your jumping point across your rut. Start small, and do what you can do at that moment. Take small steps, and steps that you know will lead you to your end-goal, no matter how long it may take. Leaping takes a bit of faith, however, that’s exactly what getting out of a rut takes. A leap of faith.

6 Communications Skills of Influential Leaders

Nicholas Fainlight - Communication

Excellent communication skills and impeccable leadership go hand in hand. Influential leaders connect with their audience at an emotional level. Their words are full of encouragement and inspire people to unleash their full potential.

Here are the secrets of effective leaders.

1. Know Their Audience

You can only communicate effectively after identifying who you are speaking to. Influential leaders know their audience, which helps them to choose the most suitable communication style. Identifying their audience doesn’t mean telling them what they want to hear. It means they relay essential information that the audience ought to know.

2. They Have Mastered Body Language

Effective leaders can tell people’s reactions to their message through body language. They are experts in picking on cues such as body language and facial expression because they understand that this is the only feedback they will receive from their audience. Great leaders use feedback to tweak their communication style.

3. They Are Listeners

Great leaders devote time to listen to the grievances and concerns of their audience. They listen and come up with the best response to their queries or grievances.

4. They Are Clear

Being precise in your communication increases the chances of the audience understanding faster. Great leaders explain things in detail to eliminate room for assumptions.

Whenever great leaders are delegating duties or asking for help from someone else, they strive to provide actionable, simple, and clear instructions. It is imperative to prepare thoughts in advance to provide essential details. Additionally, deliver these instructions in a friendly, calm way.

5. They Are Optimistic and Respectful

Everyone expects leaders to be respectful, but that is not always the case. Focusing on respectful, transparent, and fair communication within a team is an effective strategy for cultivating loyalty and enhancing team performance. Don’t be tempted to use your status over your team or use fear or coercion as motivators. Instead, be honest and humble even when dealing with your juniors. Desist from being an autocrat and instead be a cheerleader who inspires people to be creative and quick problem solvers.

6. They Don’t Blame Others

When things go south in an organization, effective leaders don’t blame their team. They admit their mistake right away and focus on rectifying it in the future. They are accountable for their words and actions and are always striving to be better versions of themselves.

Obtaining a Mortgage with Poor Credit

Lenders don’t necessarily have a credit score that will disqualify someone for a home loan. They are all entitled to set the limit for a minimum credit score to whatever they like. Because of this, it isn’t unusual to find that a borrower cannot obtain a mortgage loan with a credit score below 500. If these borrowers take some time to increase their scores, they may be able to qualify for one of the following loans below:

FHA Loans

FHA loans are backed by the Federal Housing Administration, so when people take out these loans to purchase their homes, lenders see them as very good risks. These loans are also excellent for borrowers because it is easier to qualify for them even if they have lower credit scores. The following qualifications are required for FHA loans:

  • A credit score of around 580. People can be approved with a lower score if they can offer a down payment of at least 10%.
  • The borrowers must purchase the property as their primary residence.

VA Loans

VA loans are designated for former and current members of the military, and they are backed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Qualifying members of the military and their spouses may be able to purchase a home without having to offer a down payment. If the future homeowner is going to apply for a loan with Rocket Mortgage, he or she will need to have at least a 620 credit score.

USDA Loans

The United States Department of Agriculture backs USDA loans. These loans are specifically for the purchase of homes in rural areas within the United States, and they don’t require that future homeowners offer a down payment. In most cases, borrowers need to have at least a 640 credit score, and they must also meet the income requirements to qualify.

Conventional Loans

The necessary credit score, income and down payment will all vary for conventional loans. In most cases, people can expect to be asked to provide a 620 credit score before they will be approved for a home loan. They can also qualify for a home loan with a score that is a little lower than 620 if they are also earning a high income and will be able to offer a higher down payment.